Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Even as I look forward to three more weeks in Todos Santos, I feel the time constraint growing ever tighter around my chest. There is so much that I want, no I need, from this time and I’m not sure I can fit it all in. Astoundingly, I find myself sitting on the park bench planning ways to multi-task my vacation objective. Study Spanish while Celia plays on the slide. Check e-mail while drying off from a swim. Buy Celia art supplies for distraction so I can prepare for my company planning session next week. Walk to beach for exercise and to gather shells for distracting art project. Whiten teeth while writing in journal. Even so, I can’t seem to find the time to conduct the mental spring cleaning that I so desperately need. When did introspection become such a freakin luxury? Maybe I’ll squeeze some in while I lather, rinse and repeat. I don’t usually repeat but, who knows, the extra time might yield a revelation. The meaning of life may be just a cream rise away.

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